


英 [tʃɜːtʃ] 美 [tʃɝtʃ]
  • n. 教堂;礼拜;教派
  • adj. 教会的;礼拜的
  • vt. 领…到教堂接受宗教仪式
  • n. (Church)人名;(英)丘奇


church 教堂

来自PIE*keue, 膨胀,增强,词源同cumulative,accumulate. 词义由膨胀外延到强大,强壮,上帝,上帝的世俗所在,其方言变体kirk.


church: [OE] Etymologically, a church is the ‘Lord’s house’. Its ultimate source is Greek kūrios ‘lord, master’ (perhaps most familiar nowadays from the words of the choral mass kyrie eleison ‘lord have mercy’). The adjective derived from this was kūriakós, whose use in the phrase ‘house of the lord’ led to its use as a noun, kūrikón. The medieval Greek form, kūrkón ‘house of worship’ was borrowed into West Germanic as *kirika, producing eventually German kirche and English church. The Scots form kirk comes from Old Norse kirkja, which in turn was borrowed from Old English.
=> kirk, kyrie
church (n.)
Old English cirice, circe "church, public place of worship; Christians collectively," from Proto-Germanic *kirika (cognates: Old Saxon kirika, Old Norse kirkja, Old Frisian zerke, Middle Dutch kerke, Dutch kerk, Old High German kirihha, German Kirche), probably [see note in OED] from Greek kyriake (oikia), kyriakon doma "Lord's (house)," from kyrios "ruler, lord," from PIE root *keue- "to swell" ("swollen," hence "strong, powerful"); see cumulus. Phonetic spelling from c. 1200, established by 16c. For vowel evolution, see bury. As an adjective from 1570s.

Greek kyriakon (adj.) "of the Lord" was used of houses of Christian worship since c.300, especially in the East, though it was less common in this sense than ekklesia or basilike. An example of the direct Greek-to-Germanic progress of many Christian words, via the Goths; it probably was used by West Germanic people in their pre-Christian period.

Also picked up by Slavic, probably via Germanic (Old Church Slavonic criky, Russian cerkov). Finnish kirkko, Estonian kirrik are from Scandinavian. Romance and Celtic languages use variants of Latin ecclesia (such as French église, 11c.).

Church-bell was in late Old English. Church-goer is from 1680s. Church key is early 14c.; slang use for "can or bottle opener" is by 1954, probably originally U.S. college student slang. Church-mouse, proverbial in many languages for its poverty, is 1731 in English.
church (v.)
"to bring or lead to church," mid-14c., from church (n.). Related: Churched.


1. He was confirmed as a member of the Church of England.


2. The building he was lodged in turned out to be a church.


3. He maintained an ambivalent attitude to the Church throughout his long life.


4. Naomi used to go to church in Granville every Sunday.


5. Lesley's career in the church is vitally important to her.


